Friendship Parade

The Friendship Bear Givers parade on June 13 was a smashing success! The spirit of giving was in full swing, as parents were proud and inspired to see their children lovingly wrap and prepare every bear to be gifted. Everybody radiated warmth, joy, and friendship as the special needs community had the opportunity to give back to doctors, nurses and other children from hospitals. There was something so unique about giving the special needs community the opportunity to give back. One parent shared after the event "I was crying from how touching this was... all the best in humanity". Testimonials like this embody why we are so dedicated to spreading the joy of giving to everyone, as it enables those in need to feel the pride and pleasure of giving to others. We are more than happy to see how successful the parade was, and hope everyone in attendance left with more joy and pride in themselves and their families! Thank you to everyone who participated, and to everyone who supports our organization for making events like this possible! If you’re interested in helping us bring joy to others, donate here!