2024 NIS Bear Hunt

We are thrilled to report that the annual Bear Hunt obstacle course at the New Interdisciplinary School in Yaphank, NY was an absolute success! With the weather finally on our side, students had an incredible day filled with outdoor adventure, teamwork, and plenty of smiles.

From the moment they embarked on the course, our students eagerly followed the map and directions, navigating through various obstacles with determination and enthusiasm. Each clue they discovered along the way brought a sense of accomplishment and excitement, fueling their motivation to conquer the next challenge.

Every participant was rewarded with a cuddly teddy bear to cherish—a tangible reminder of their memorable journey through the Bear Hunt. The joy and laughter echoed throughout the school grounds as students celebrated their achievements and bonded over shared experiences.

The Bear Hunt obstacle course fostered important skills such as problem-solving, resilience, and teamwork. It was truly heartwarming to witness the sense of camaraderie and accomplishment among our students as they worked together to overcome each obstacle.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to NIS’s dedicated staff who helped make this event possible. Here's to many more adventures and memorable moments at NIS!